シアターΧ 国際舞台芸術祭2018
An ancient story about a moon princess whose beauty breaks hearts, opens up contemporary questions about beauty, authority, truth, fake news and relativity.
『竹取物語』を基に 四次元宇宙の"詩界"へ モロ挑んだmission-runner かぐやとアインシュタインの OK! OK! Bye Bye ストーリー。
Based on Classic Japanese “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, directly challenging to “poesy world” of four-dimension cosmos, the OK! OK! Bye Bye Story by mission-runner “Kaguya avec Einstein”.
The arrival of an alien, celestial entity into the midst of mundane life on the earth, forces us to ask questions about the basic values of our society: the human need to possess, to own, to conquer beauty, the relationship between beauty/art and power structures, about truth and deceit in expressing emotions and in reporting events.
The presence of the moon, the hidden hero of the story, an astronomical body that reflects the light of the sun, brings to mind Einstein's question:
Is the moon still there when nobody is looking at it?
And encourages us to explore in this project systems of mirroring: the impact of the gaze on the observed object, the reflection of the plot from alternating points of view.
The project IMA WA MUKASHI, explores a fluid approach to the experience of time: shifting between a story about something that happened long ago and a contemporary stage presence, with parallel time lines of sustained time, accelerated time, frozen time, curvature of space-time.
We will tell the story in a Storytelling-Theatre technique, which by its very nature deals with relativity, with dynamic modes of representations of reality.
The encounter between the human time and the infinite time of the universe opens up broad dimensions in this intriguing ancient story.
演出ルティ・カネル & 役者グループ
Created by Ruth kanner & Actors group
ルティ・カネル(Ruth Kanner)
2002年9月シアターXの招聘公演『野ねずみエイモス』で初来日。 2005年にはシアターXプロデュースでブレヒト作 『母アンナ・フィアリングとその子供たち』 (吉田日出子主演)を演出。 2007年再演(大浦みずき主演)。同年、ギリシア劇『エウメニデス』、2010年多和田葉子描き下ろし 『さくら の その にっぽん』2012年『さくらの その 2011』、2015年ヴィトカッツイ『母』を演出。
(左より) 宇佐美雅司 板津未来 黒川恭佑 高橋和久 小谷真一
(from left) Masashi USAMI Miki ITAZU Kyohske KUROKAWA Kazuhisa TAKAHASHI Shinichi KOTANI
美術 | : | 江連亜花里 |
17(水) | 18(木) | 19(金) | 20(土) | 21(日) | |
14:00 | ○ | ○ | |||
19:00 | ○ | ○ | |||
20:00 | ○ |